There is the way of God in the good use of all things, and there lies the right way that people follow

All things in the world exist where there is activity, and activity always has two opposing sides: progress vs. retreat, good vs. evil, front vs. back. When things go right, that leads to outcomes that are good, and bad in things, rather those outcomes are caused by actions or circumstances of the individuals involved.

As an examples, kitchen knives are intended for cooking, but if a thief wields them, they can turn into deadly weapons. Fire, wind and water are all elements with use for good, but that can turn into disasters if misused or due to the adverse impact of nature. As such, there is no definitive good or bad in things, and both good and bad arise as a function of actions or circumstance.

Therefore, for the best outcomes, it is important for humans to carefully consider their paths in life and make decisions that align them with the laws of nature, and with regards to time and place. As examples, if you sow crops at the wrong time of year, you will not reap the desired harvest, and if you plant seeds on a stone, they will not grow. Good and evil result according to time, place and usage. Knowing this, and acting without error, is the way of God, and the optimal path for people to walk can be found in that approach to life.

Prayers and actual phenomena

Many people have experiences curing of medical problems, relief from life’s hardships by learning Kyososama’s teachings and praying to him.

Kyososama taught that human beings can go back to their nature through the divine power resulting from actual phenomena. We call those changes and improvements “miracles”.

Kyososama’s divine power realizes the best way for us to develop in true harmony in all areas of our lives.

As a result, believers have the following miraculous experiences:

  • Improvements in life
  • Recovery from illness
  • Academic Success
  • Career Success
  • Safe childbirth
  • Supreme transmigration
  • Avoid accidents / desasters