“Achieving fulfillment of the true self is far more valuable than gaining all the riches in the world.”


The world is full of riches. You can pursue wealth and status. But if you depart from the true natural way, those things will be worthless. In order to enjoy the true value of things, you must achieve fulfillment of the true self. Seeking fortune and status without improving your internal self is a mistake.  It does not matter how much wealth you might accumulate, or how high a position you may obtain – if you are traveling down the wrong path, you could lose it all in a moment.

US president John F. Kennedy, for example, lost everything because of his assassination, even though he was at the peak of his success. The same was true of a famous Japanese professional wrestler, named Rikidozan.  Prime Minister Hayato Ikeda, Japan’s Prime Minister, died of cancer even though he was a prominent political leader at the time. He had strayed far from the correct way of life.

So, during your time on earth, rather than striving for riches and a high status,  you can really bring forth the true value of all things when you follow the Divine Way. However, today, instead of seeking fulfillment of the true self, most people are swept up into the pursuit of illusionary goals. They seek improved appearances and external  rewards such as fame and fortune, instead of seeking the fulfillment of their true selves.

Real wealth comes through personal growth and the fulfillment of the authentic self.

No one can steal that kind of internal wealth. By contrast, material wealth accumulated without effort towards self-improvement can destroy a person. Rather than strive for accumulating material things in this world, you should work to develop your internal and spiritual worth. Each and every day, strive to follow the true Divine Way. If your mind is focused correctly on God, the material things you need in life will come to you naturally.