“Egoism is like scratching an itch till your skin splits open”


Today, with the advancement of culture, transportation, and communications, if we take things too casually or too slowly, we could easily be left behind. Yet, if we live selfishly, without regard for others, we will find ourselves isolated from society.

   Despite how crucial it is to find a middle ground between our ambitions and the needs of others – many people fail to do so. Before they know it, they are pushing and shoving their way past others and going about their everyday lives with no regard for other people. Society encourages us to act this way, failing to remember the timeless truths that could help us to develop into fully realized human beings.

   During the Meiji Period (1868 – 1922), Japan experienced peaceful harmony due to people yielding to one another. Today, it is different. For example, when it comes to commuter trains, people struggle aggressively to board, and claim a position close to the exit, because being pushed farther into the car may prevent them from getting off at their stop. This makes it impossible for others to board, clogging up the door. Nonetheless, it is unavoidable because procrastination causes one to fall behind schedule and arrive late to work.

   Due to everyday routine, this attitude shows itself everywhere. Many individuals have an egoist tendency, and society is no longer as humane as it once was. The best way is for people to work together and support one another.

   At times egoistic thinking may be unavoidable. But if one thinks this aberrant state is normal, and lets that habit define who they are, they will eventually become separate from others and languish. Acting solely in one’s own interests will always lead to isolation in business and in relationships with others. Conversely, thinking only of others, and being too self-effacing and unassertive, will lead to one’s demise. Finding the areas of interest that are shared by you and others will ensure harmony and perpetuity. It is therefore, of the utmost importance, in everything we do, that we find that middle ground.

   In business, people who sell poor quality goods, will suffer and go out of business. Companies that ignore earnings won’t survive. You should first figure out how to profit from customers and make a profit, then use that information to plan how to avoid being at a disadvantage. You will always locate the point where the interests of everyone coincide if you actually have that goal in mind.

   In the family, male-female harmony is necessary. It is needed for the perpetuation of humans and all other species. Only when you use both hands when clapping does a sound come out. A harmonious home is created when the husband and wife balance each other out, make use of each other’s strengths, and make up for each other’s weaknesses. Lone wolves may seem carefree, but they only have one generation before they die.

   Because of self-interest and the need for momentary pleasures, people have a tendency to be egoistic, which inhibits them from realizing their ultimate potential. It is analogous to scratching itchy skin. It feels good, so one continues to scratch, but the skin is damaged. It breaks open and the pus that emerges is like the poison produced by one’s ego.

   If we chart a medium course between egoism and altruism, and advance without losing sight of the center, we will discover the path to unity of self and others, to co-existence and co-prosperity, and we will truly be of benefit to society.