“Similarity between parent and the child clearly demonstrates that causality resides even in a single sperm cell.”


In modern times, many people disregard anything that hints of religion, considering it superstitious and of little value. But the law of cause and effect is an undeniable truth. In Buddhism, it is called karma, and is the main philosophy of that religion. Yet the law of cause and effect predates Buddhism, having been in existence since the beginning of time, and everything is created in accordance with this law. Heredity is an example of this.

Parents and their offspring have undeniable similarities. A sperm cell, so small that it cannot be seen without a microscope, carries within it, cause and effect relationships from one’s ancestors. This tiny cell enters the mother’s body, combines with an egg, and nine months later, a fully formed human being emerges. Its features: hair, nails, internal organs, facial features, and even voice are similar to the parents. Even one drop of blood carries the traits of the parents and ancestors, illustrating the law of cause and effect.

Past actions are an important component of the law of cause and effect as well. Things a person has done before, along with their environment and current behavior, give rise to the self of tomorrow. When a  person’s actions deviate from the path, through wrong behavior, those actions become an external cause that manifests in their future. This sounds like the Buddhist philosophy of karma, but it is natural law that goes beyond any religion.

Indirect causes also play a role in the law of cause and effect. Let’s look at five children born of the same parents. Let’s say one becomes a farmer, one an engineer, one a public official, one a doctor, and one a merchant. If we look at their lives 10 years later, we will see that each has changed from their intrinsic nature because they have also been influenced by indirect causes – their relationships and social environment. No matter what they were given at birth in terms of character, they must also create good causes and avoid making evil causes, and strive to attain the fulfillment of their true selves in order to achieve happiness.

Together, heredity, past actions, and the indirect influences of one’s life combine to form the law of cause and effect in human life. In today’s society most people disregard the law of cause and effect. They make decisions based on their passing emotions, and live in a state of depravity. This approach can create a hopeless and frightening situation for society.  However, no matter how much our times are governed by abandon, we  must not ignore the basic principle of cause and effect.