“The loss of health, longevity, and wealth, due to the modern, superstitious belief in medical science and drugs is larger than losses due to the ravages of war.”


Nothing at all is definite, but illusions and contradictions arise because people think that the value of things is definite. For example the flavor of food varies depending on whether one is hungry or full. People also have likes and dislikes based on their physical constitutions and other factors . The amounts of food vary too – some people feel full after eating a single cup of rice, while others can eat several cups or a huge bowl of rice, before feeling full. With alcohol some people get intoxicated on a shot glass full, while others can drink a large bottle with ease. Medicine is the same way. Different people require different doses based on their physical constitution and resistance.

With food, people can judge the right amount for themselves based on taste and how full they feel. But with medicine, it is impossible to determine one’s own proper dose by taste or flavor because we do not always need medicine. This is especially true for things like injections, about which we have not a clue. 

But it is only appropriate to take medicine at a certain time, and in specific doses. It is medicine only at the instant it cures the illness. At other times, it has no value as medicine even though it may be called medicine. In the wrong dose it could actually become a poison. Therefore, even when people see a doctor and take what is generally regarded as a drug specific to their illness, they often suffer side effects, or in serious cases die from shock. Doctors write these off as people with abnormal physical constitutions. It is the same as making a person drink a large bottle of wine. Even though he or she gets drunk on a shot glass full. When average drug doses are determined statistically and given to ordinary people, there will always be a few among them who die.

Therefore, in the East there is this saying: “Don’t see a doctor unless he’s at least a third-generation doctor in his family”. This is because people put such great store in physicians’ experience that they say “administering medicine in accordance with the illness” and “the right dose”, and from long ago. Because doctors in the East choose the appropriate dose based on intimate knowledge of patients’ physical constitutions. They make far fewer mistakes.

Western medicine, by contrast, statistically determines average doses, which entails serious dangers. It was the same during the war when in Japan food was rationed according to age, and people got the same amount regardless of their weight.

Thus over-the-counter drugs have little effect because their doses are determined so as to harm not even the person of weakest resistance among many. People could harm themselves by taking many times the prescribed dose without knowing their own resistance. So strictly speaking, medicine harms more people than it helps. We see proof of that, when we compare people who are extremely cautious and run to the doctor for the littlest thing, to people who dislike medicine and rarely see a doctor, which shows that on the whole, the latter are healthier and live longer.

It is a modern trend for doctors to perform surgery to remove ailing organs as soon as something is wrong. This deviates from the central path as seen from correct medical science. Surgical removal should be an emergency measure, employed only when there is no other alternative. The truly correct way of treating illness is for the body to first rid itself of impurities in the problem part of the body without in the least impairing vital organs. That returns the body to its original state, and brings about a healthy recovery. That is the ideal kind of medical science.

Let’s say that a person has been stung in the face by a bee, and the entire face swells so much that even the eyes become swollen shut. This is because two or three drops of poison from the bee’s sting have entered the blood and spread to the whole face. At first glance, it looks like the entire face is affected with illness, when actually only a tiny amount of poison is the cause. If the poison alone is eliminated from the body, all the swelling will rapidly recede. Similarly, if we remove a cancer that has grown in the stomach, intestines, bladder, or womb, it is very swollen and discolored. While poison Is present in these parts, originally there was very little poison that spread to other parts of the blood through the bloodstream. But if the poison is eliminated from the body, health will return, and the valuable internal organs are saved. 

If by coming into contact with what religion calls, the great power of God, the problems hampering the patient’s physiological functions are resolved. Then those functions return to normal, the metabolism will immediately be invigorated and poisons will be discharged from the body. Caverns in the lungs and parts of the body gnawed by cancer will all return to their original, correct state, and health will return. That is the finest of all medical science.

Today’s medicine, however, sees only the material side of living human beings. So when doctors find an unsound part using their microscopes and test tubes, they immediately perform surgery, removing things without discriminating between good and bad. This damages the precious vital organs, so that even though someone’s life might fortunately have been saved, they are doomed to live out their lives as something akin to living corpses. Another tragedy is that people who may have lived a long life, by doing nothing except waiting for nature to heal their illnesses, end up dying sooner. 

This all happens because Western medical science looks at only the current, visible phenomena instead of determining the ultimate cause of illness, and then attempts to cure it functionally and in form alone, which deviates from the central path of correct medical science. The terrible result is that more people die from this than from war-caused losses.

Thus if we truly want to cure illness, we must clearly discern the cause, i.e., the dysfunction that arose due to a violation of natural law, resolve the problem, and provide for a return to the correct path. There we will find the highest way in the form of true medical science. But since human knowledge has not progressed that far, we are unable to discern these invisible and subtle causes. So many people become cripples and invalids. That ignorance causes damage to health, longevity, and wealth that is dozens or hundreds of times greater than the ravages of war. We should give serious thought to the daily occurrence of this horror.