“Assets exceeding one’s abilities are a burden bringing grief and little benefit”


In everything people do, they will fail unless they act in accordance with their own individual capacities. 

There are many examples of this principle in nature. For example, clams and snails have no problems because they live in shells appropriate for their body size. But if a little snail were to live in a large clamshell, it would be unable to move, because the clam shell is too big. We see this principle also in Feng Shui, in the principles of Yin & Yang, and the 5 Element theory. 

This is true also when it comes to carrying a heavy weight. One can carry a heavy weight if it is in line with their physical strength. But if something heavy is carried wrapped in a thin or ragged cloth, the cloth will tear and the weight will be dropped. Therefore, whatever you do, you should be cautious, and keep your projects in line with your abilities. Otherwise you may suffer grief and failure.

If a person builds assets or a business out of nothing, they will be able to increase their capabilities naturally, as their assets gradually grow, making it easy to safeguard what they have. But if an inexperienced person tries to manage a fully developed business or extensive assets, they will likely fail.

Thus if a parent wants to pass on a business to their offspring, they must begin the process while still in good health. Then they must be sure the son or daughter gains experience by working in the business. Then, if they prove themselves to be capable, they can inherit the business. 

Bigger does not always mean better. An officer leading a unit of ten soldiers will not necessarily succeed in leading an army of a thousand. With both assets and businesses, the same is true. Just because a business is doing well with 10 employees, there is no guarantee it will be five times better with 50, or ten times better with 100 employees. It may make more money initially, but it would be asking for eventual failure if it was too rapidly expanded, beyond the abilities of the person managing it. Instead of overreaching, one should create goals that are compatible with their abilities, then gradually expand those plans as one’s abilities increase. That way assets and businesses will develop naturally, in an organic fashion. 

In fact, in business or assets, it is best to start from zero. Failures are fewer when starting with nothing and expanding from there. People who claim they need capital to start a business are not serious enough. If they lack seriousness and are not willing to put in the effort to build capital from nothing, they will end up with nothing. If one is truly serious, it is quicker to build capital from nothing than to borrow it. 

In assets, position, and business, it is most sound and appropriate to keep a balance between the demands of a project, and one’s own capabilities. Once a person has successfully achieved one thing – they can go on to apply what they have learned to succeed in other areas as well.